Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Mobile Studio Setup

On of the most frustrating things about being an event photographer who takes photographs and prints them on site is not having enough room to work so I have photographed our setup and added area details to it. Since then I have had less trouble, however I still get to venues to find they want me to set in an unsuitable space


Since the release of Casino Royal in 2007 I am seeing a lot more James Bond themed charity balls, So where possible I always take a custom designed Bond background and some props to fit in with the theme.
You can see the rest of the photographs from this event at http://blacktiephotos.co.uk just go to the online photos section

Monday, 1 November 2010

Welcome to my first post on this blog

As an event photographer I photograph black tie social and charity events all over the UK.

Black Tie use to mean a black bow tie with a dress shirt and black suit however the term 'black tie' now tends to mean bow tie of any color as in this example.

As a photographer I find I prefer black bow ties, colored ones tend to dominate the picture taking your eyes away from the face, see how in this photograph your eyes go straight to the bright blue tie

I would be most interested in your comments as to the use of colored bow ties at black tie events.

You can see more of my work at http://www.blacktiephotos.co.uk